Dec. 22nd- Dec. 28th

Week #2 on the way to Boston!

Mileage for the Year 2008
2459 miles

Mileage for the Week 12/22- 12/28
67 miles

18 miles

Today was a great run. I took off from my hotel on my regular route but then I decided to follow the Honolulu Marathon course. It was nice because I was able to check my mileage splits every so often. It was nice to get this done early before it got hot.

6 miles- recovery

11 miles
Same route as normal.

5 miles

It was kind of a run/hike today. It was Christmas morning and my son and I took off from our hotel and ran about 20 minutes. Then continued to walk to Diamond Head and hike to the top and back down.

13 miles

Same route as yesterday, but went farther to this resort next to a nice golf course. Had to add some at the end to get 13 miles.

8 miles w/ 8 X 100m. strides

Today was my first workout in Hawaii. It felt great. I was able to take off from my hotel (Hilton) on Waikiki beach and run past Diamond Head and back. I did the strides on a nice soccer field. Sure was nice to run in the sun again.

6 miles- recovery

Nice and easy on the treadmill. Have to take these recovery days super easy. Heading to Hawaii today!

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About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Age- 41 Occupation- Phy Ed/Athletic Director/Wrestling Coach @ South Anchorage High School

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