Feb. 9th- Feb. 15th

Road to Boston Week #9

Mileage for the Year 2009
518 miles

Mileage for the week 2/9- 2/15
82 Miles

16 miles (12 @ Marathon Pace)

I had a great workout today!
3 mile warm-up
12 miles @ marathon pace (6:03, 6:03, 6:03, 6:03, 6:03, 6:03, 6:00, 6:00, 6:00, 5:56, 5:56, 5:56)
1 mile cool down

7+ miles (w/ 6 X 100m strides)

Ran to Dearmoun and back and did some strides. Beautiful day outside. 34 degrees above. I'm excited about the MP workout tomorrow.

13 miles

I did today's workout on the treadmill. Started easy and worked my way into 6:49 pace. Felt really good.

8 miles- recovery

I was going to double, but tired this morning. Felt good running after school though. Ran to Dearmoun and back and a little extra to get 8 miles.

19 miles (15am/4pm)

Great run on trails today with Jerry. Felt really good. About 10 above.

11 miles (6am/5pm)

Another recovery double day! Legs feel much better now.

8 miles- recovery

I took it real easy for 8 miles today after work on the treadmill. Easy Easy.

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About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Age- 41 Occupation- Phy Ed/Athletic Director/Wrestling Coach @ South Anchorage High School

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