February 18th- February 24th "Week #1"

Mileage for the Year 2013
320 miles

Mileage for the week 2/18- 2/24
61 miles

16 miles

I ran my Boston route and a 4 mile out and back section on Elmore to get my 16 miles in. I was glad to do it all outside, but some section the snow was a little soft and made it harder.  Overall I felt okay, but a long way to go still.  I enjoy the process however and look forward to getting in great shape!

8 miles

Ran to Dearmoun and back.  Kept it easy and felt pretty good.  The footing was great and my sickness is almost over.

10 miles

Started at 7:30 pace and slowly progressed down to 6:07 pace at the end.  I felt pretty good and I hope this cold will be gone soon.

7 miles

Another easy paced run on the treadmill.  I actually feel okay while running. Just easy runs this week.  Hope to get a long run in on Sunday though.

6 miles

Super easy again with this cold.

8 miles w/ 8 x 100m striders

General Aerobic pace and some striders at the end. Felt okay running just under the weather.

6 miles

Super easy on the treadmill.  Spent most of the day watching my amazing daughter dance at the "5,6,7,8 Dance competition at the Captain Cook"  She is amazing.  I'm sick during week #1 of training. Uggh.  I'll just take it easy this week.

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Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Age- 41 Occupation- Phy Ed/Athletic Director/Wrestling Coach @ South Anchorage High School

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