February 23rd- March 1st

Mileage for the Year 2015
437 miles

Mileage for the week 2/23- 3/1
80 miles

18 miles

Had a real good run this morning.  It was nice to show up and have a good group of people to run with.  Ryan Beckett, Anna Dalton, Corbyn Jahn, Dan Myers, and Jim McDonough all showed.  Ran the Totem run a couple time and then Anna and I added on a little loop to get 18 miles.  Body is still adjusting to the long run, but that's all part of the process.  Felt pretty good for the most part.

6 miles

Easy recovery after work today.  Felt good, but I never like waiting all day to run.

16 miles (11am/5pm)

I felt great this morning.  I didn't get a bunch of sleep, but it felt easy today.  Started at 7:30 pace and progressed down to 5:52 pace.  Starting to feel the groove a little.

Super easy recovery after work today.  Felt great.

8 miles

Felt really tired and worn down all day.  Just been busy with banquet and stuff.  Didn't run until 3:30p , but I felt great running.  Kept it an easy recovery pace.

13 miles

Woke up at 5am to get this done before work.  I have my Wrestling Banquet tonight, so really no time after school.  I felt really good today.  Started at 7:30 pace and progressed down to 5:52 pace.

8 miles (10 X 20 Sec. Strides)

General Aerobic pace with strides at the end.  I stayed up too late last night.  Hopefully to bed early tonight.  Felt pretty good running though.

11 miles (6am/5pm)

Both runs today were at recovery pace.  Nice to start getting doubles once in awhile, as long as I'm careful about recovery.  Felt good.  Both on treadmills, since it's still an ice rink outside.

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About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Age- 41 Occupation- Phy Ed/Athletic Director/Wrestling Coach @ South Anchorage High School

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