November 4th- November 10th

Mileage for the Year 2013
2,865 miles

Mileage for the week 11/4- 11/10
57 miles

7 miles

I tried running outside this morning.  It was very icy and slick and I almost bit it a couple times.  Couldn't really even run at an easy pace.  So, after 2.5 miles I decided to finish up on the treadmill.  I kept it at recovery pace the entire time. Felt good.  71 day running streak!

13 miles

Finally snowing a little outside.  I just decided to get a nice warm run inside my garage.  Started at 7:30 pace and progressed down to 5:46 pace.  Felt super good and it was easy.  Need to drink more on my run though because I sweat so much.

9 miles

Beautiful cool and sunny day today, but I had to wait until wrestling practice was over.  So I ran outside in the dark, but had a good run.  Ran to Dearmoun and back with extra. Started at 7:20 pace and progressed down to 6:20's.

7 miles

Have to fit it in when I can.  Ran on treadmill at home.  Felt good, but would rather be running outside when its cool and sunny.

6 miles

Ran on the mille at school after wrestling practice.  Kept it easy and felt good.

8 miles

Great run today after practice.  Ran to Dearmoun and back.  Still really nice outside.  Started at 7:20 pace and progressed down to 6:02 pace for last mile. Felt easy and effortless.  Love running in cool weather.

7 miles

I woke up at 5:30 am to get this one done, since I have a parent meeting after practice today.  I felt good running, but I was really tired.  I had a hard time falling asleep last night. I need better quality sleep.

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About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Age- 41 Occupation- Phy Ed/Athletic Director/Wrestling Coach @ South Anchorage High School

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