July 29th- August 4th

Mileage for the Year 2013
2,149 miles

Mileage for the week 7/29- 8/4
60+ miles

10 miles

I wanted to take it easy today and skip my long run because I'm still recovering from crow pass and all the mountain running I've been doing.  I did finally feel pretty good today though. A lot more juice in my legs today.

6 miles

Same run as yesterday and my legs still feel very tired!!

6 miles

Ran to Huffman and back.  Legs are dead and heavy!!!


Another 2 hr. run/hike with Matias, Jay, and Stian Stensland.  Left from Matias's house in Bear Valley and went on an awesome trail nearby.  A lot more actual running, but still did a very steep mountain climb too.

2hrs. 15 minutes

Went on another awesome hike/run with Jay and Matias this morning. We went up Indian House and then came out on Falls Creek Valley.  Awesome day and I felt way better than I have all week.

5 miles

Easy easy 5 miles to Huffman and back.  Finally an easy run on pavement.  Legs still feel dead and heavy and sore.  Hot and sunny again.  Just had 14 days of 70+ degree weather in a row!  Amazing.

8 mile (3hrs of McHugh Peak Hike/Run)

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About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Age- 41 Occupation- Phy Ed/Athletic Director/Wrestling Coach @ South Anchorage High School

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